Welcome to the action-oriented knowledge page. If you want results, just ACT on what you learnt from the articles and videos.
Productivity is all about taking actions.

Find the answers for below questions in this video.

How to maintain good mood levels and be motivated thru out the day at work?
How can I ensure my (remote) team is productive without going through too much of stress?
How to overcome procrastination in professional as well as personal life?

Book of the Week – Bull’s Eye (The Power of Focus) by Brian Tracy

Find the answers for below questions in this video.

How are stress and productivity related?? How to avoid getting burnt out by the end of the day? What are the benefits of being productive?

Book of the Week – Propel Your Career by Amitabh Mishra (Available on Amazon)
Find the answers for below questions in this video.

How to use information consumed in a productive way? Is being grateful boosts productivity? How to leave comfort zone comfortably?

Do you know what is one of the major action blockers that hampers your productivity?Do you want to overcome that?

Watch the video to learn about a SIMPLE yet POWERFUL tip to improve your productivity levels!!

How do you take decisions? On what basis?
Do you know that you take decisions consciously only few times, and unconsciously most of the times ?!!!

Get rid of too much of mental draining and time wastage, and start taking decisions with much preparedness, utter clarity and confidence.
Clarity -> Conviction -> ACTIONS -> PRODUCTIVE ZONE!!

Do you want to get rid of stress due to mundane tasks that are unavoidable at work?
Have you ever thought of a simple solution that can help you and also makes you productive?

At a glance, 2 simple tips:
1. Change your perspective
2. Calendar Block the tasks

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” ~ Helen Keller

Enjoy more in life,
Be more Resourceful at any point,
Uplift your mood and
Boost your energy instantly.

Is it possible for you to control your thoughts?
Watch the Tuesday 10X Tip #37 – Productive or Useful Thinking – to know about it! Implement the learning right after watching.

“Change your thoughts. Change your life.”

Comfort zone is a psychological state where you feel safe and at ease without any stress or anxiety. That’s the main reason why people say growth is outside of your comfort zone, because when we take up challenges, we get into ‘fight’ or ‘flight’ mode by default.
We experience different kinds of emotions like anxiousness, nervousness that infact is good and will prepare us to grow big. But, most of the times, we tend to underestimate ourselves in channelising this energy to good usage and feel stressed up. So, here is a simple tip for you to leave your comfortable zone in a super comfortable manner and also to enjoy the whole process where your new neural paths that are formed will give you a jolt of energy too to do more adventures. 

How can you keep your energy high all the day?

Fuel Your Action with Good Feelings!!
The feelings that you generate first thing in the morning sets the tone for your entire day.

I do 3 activities on a consistent basis:
1. Dance to high beat
2. Feel grateful for atleast 3 things in life
3. Chant the affirmations that boosts my well being

When you feel good, you are inspired to take action. When you take action in the right direction, your productivity improves drastically.

Here is your productivity tip to be energetic by the end of a hectic day!!

Check out this video to know the difference between successful and not-so-successful people in the world.

Take the Digital Detox challenge for 30 days and experience these benefits:

1. Less Distractions & More Focus
2. The Happier You
3. More Family Time/Bonding
4. Healthier You
5. Relaxed & Calmer Mind
6. Improved attention span
7. Improved Productivity

Why to-do lists are obsolete?
How should you live your life productively from your calendar?

Please enter your specific query below and I will reply as soon as possible.

STOP working under pressure and START becoming productive
